Central Analytical Research Facility (CARF)

CARF New Project Form

This form is for CARF clients to provide information on the proposed project scope, sample declaration, and to select labs/techniques/analyses of interests in preparation for a kick-off meeting.

           *  Information required in this form:

                     A)  Contact details of you and your nominated supervisor, estimated start date and end date.
                    B)  Account details (QUT account code for staff and student, ABN for non-QUT user)
                    C)  Risk assessment information (HSE HUB Risk Assessment or other risk assessment details)
                    D)  Project title and a brief summary
                    E)   Sample declaration
                    F)   Laboratory / Technique / Analysis Selection 
                    G)  Working in CARF agreement acknowledgement (please read carefully)

           You can save the form (by copying the url) and complete it later


  1)  Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation email for your records.  
                      2)  Supervisor review and approval.
                      3)  CARF review and approval.
                      4)  If required, the form may be returned to you for further editing and resubmission.  
                      5)  Upon approval, CARF staff will contact you to arrange a kick-off meeting with you and your supervisor.

QUT students, please follow up with your Supervisor first  before 
contacting CARF to ensure the approval workflows run properly. 
Thank you. 

Privacy Notice:   
Please note that this form uses Snapforms, an Australian-based online form provider that stores the data in Australia and adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles.  The information provided in this form will only be used for the purpose of registering your interests in CARF as a new client so that a kick-off meeting can be arranged with CARF staff and your supervisor to discuss your project proposal in more details.  The information provided will be stored securely by CARF and will not be shared with any third party.  If you have any privacy concerns, please contact CARF@qut.edu.au. 

P.S. You will receive emails from "Snapforms Notifications" throughout the workflows.  

A. Your details

(For QUT clients only)
(no PO box)
(no PO box)

Please provide the following information so that we can request your visitor access.

eg Ms/Mr, Dr, Prof.
Male / Female / Other / Prefer not to say

B. Account details

At the kick-off meeting, CARF staff will discuss the project costs, if applicable, with you and your project leader or supervisor. If required, a costing proposal will be provided for your approval before any work commences.

 Please contact  carf@qut.edu.au for indicative pricing and conditions of access.

(non-QUT clients only)

C. Risk Assessment


D. Project Summary

Sample Declaration - Sample description

Please tell us how to dispose of samples that are accidentally left in the laboratories.
Please provide further details as an attachment.
Please provide further details as an attachment.
Please provide further details here if the answer to any of the above is yes.

E-1. Sample Declaration - Chemical Material

The term ‘chemical’ includes, but is not limited to, a pure element, a compound of a number of elements, or a mixture of two or more such compounds, and any solution, suspension, fume or aerosol thereof.
The term ‘chemical’ includes, but is not limited to, a pure element, a compound of a number of elements, or a mixture of two or more such compounds, and any solution, suspension, fume or aerosol thereof.

Section 1. Declaration of Chemicals

All work with hazardous chemicals must comply with the QUT Chemical Management Procedure.

Please note that samples cannot be stored in CARF and will be disposed according to the instructions if necessary.

Please refer to the   QUT High Risk Chemicals and Red Flag Guideline   and  HSE Chemical Management - Annex F - QUT High Risk Chemicals   for answering the following questions:

If yes, please add yourself to the XRD High Temperature MAPS (10360)
Format: Chemical Name -- UN No. -- CAS No. -- Form -- Concentration -- Quantity -- DG Class (all required)

Scheduled Substances (S2-S9)

If you are bringing Scheduled Substances (Chemicals) into CARF labs to store or to use in the labs, please provide the “Authority to Use Scheduled Substances” form number. This is to insure we can account for any Users chemicals in the lab.

E-2. Sample Declaration - Biological Material

The term ‘biological material’ includes material of human, animal, microbial or plant origin or derivation.

Section 2. Biological Material

All work with biological material must comply with the QUT University Biosafety Committee (UBC), Animal Ethics Committee (UAEC) or Human Research Ethics Committee (UHREC) conditions of use. Please provide relevant Approval Numbers below.

Please note that samples cannot be stored in CARF and will be disposed according to the instructions if necessary.

If you answered 'yes' to any of 1, 2 or 3, the material can only be used in GP-R413-422.

For further information on how to classify the risk group of your samples, please consult this website.

F. Laboratory / Techniques / Analysis Selection

Please visit the CARF website here for a comprehensive list of equipment and instruments.

GP - Elements and Isotopes Lab - P624, P814 and R431   

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated # of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, certified reference material (CRM), Quality control samples, calibration standards, etc.)

GP - Genomics Lab - R413 – 422    

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated # of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, etc.)

GP - Microscopy Lab - P620, P615, M117    

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g. estimated # of samples, sample preparation requirements, including # of analyses or maps per sample where relevant (e.g. EPMA) etc.)

GP - Physical & Mechanical Properties Lab - P614    

  (Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated number of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, etc.):

GP - Proteomics and Molecular Mass Spectrometry - P636 & P824     

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated # of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, etc.)

GP - Surface Analysis     

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated # of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, etc.)

GP - Magnetic Resonance Lab - M112     

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., nuclei of interest, specialized protocols, sample types, previous experience etc.)

GP - X-Ray and Particles Lab - P629 and P630      

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

Please note: most X-ray analyses may require the user to obtain a Qld Health Radiation Use License, or to arrange for a CARF Technologist to undertake the analysis on a fee-for-service basis. Contact X-ray laboratory staff for further details.

GP - Vibrational Spectroscopy     

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

KG - Histology Lab - Q519 & Q520      

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated # of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, etc.)

KG - Flow Cytometry Lab - Q402     

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated # of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, etc.)

KG - Microscopy Lab - Cell Analysis Facility, Q Block levels 4, 6 and 7    

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated # of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, etc.)

KG - Spatial Genomics Lab  - Q402     

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

(e.g., estimated # of samples, sampling technique, sample preparation requirements, etc.)

TRI - Clinical Genomics     

(Please select at least one instrument from this lab)

G. Working In CARF Agreement

Please read this section carefully.  

You are bound to this agreement with your acknowledgement. Your supervisor will be notified of any breaches of this agreement. Failure to comply may result in access suspension.  Thank you for your attention.

General laboratory access

  • All CARF users must follow QUT Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policies and procedures.

  • All CARF users must complete the following mandatory QUT training, available on ELMO:

    • General Evacuation training annually,

    • Health, Safety and Environment induction every two years, and

    • QUT Laboratory Induction every two years.

        For QUT staff or students, it is their Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure these modules are completed as required.

  • CARF encourages users to complete ‘Biosafety for PC2’ training every three years, even if they are not using biological or OGTR materials, themselves. This training is required in some laboratories.

  • CARF users may only enter laboratories they are trained and inducted by CARF staff to use , unless accompanied by a CARF staff member.

  • Additional lab-specific mandatory training modules may be required before user access can be granted.

  • All samples brought into CARF must be declared via the CARF sample declaration form

  • A user’s swipe card or laboratory key must not be used by another person. Do not let someone else enter a CARF lab with you under your lab access.

  • Do not remove anything (e.g. chemicals, equipment, supplies) from rooms without the permission of the responsible CARF staff member.

  • Access to CARF may be suspended or terminated in the event of serious neglect, damage, or inappropriate use of equipment or samples, neglect of HSE procedures,  allowing unauthorised people into CARF, or other breaches of the agreement or QUT code of conduct  as follows:

    • First time – written warning (email) to CARF user and their supervisor

    • Second time – written warning (email) to CARF user and their supervisor

    • Third time – access suspended until face-to-face meeting between CARF staff, CARF user and their supervisor.

      In cases where people or equipment have been placed at significant risk or harmed, CARF staff have the right to  immediately suspend a user’s access without warning.

  • After-hours access is not guaranteed and only permitted in certain laboratories. Consultation and training with the relevant CARF staff and specific risk assessment regarding the work to occur after-hours must first be approved.

  • The user must notify CARF of any changes to their appointment details.

Training and equipment usage

  • CARF staff are responsible for all laboratory and instrument training. Do not teach, demonstrate or book equipment to/for others.

  • All CARF users must follow specifications of risk assessments and standard operating procedures for all operations/equipment used at CARF .

  • CARF staff will not deem a user as competent to use a piece of equipment until sufficient training is completed by the user.

  • CARF users may only use instruments that the CARF staff have trained them to use.

  • CARF users may only run samples for internal research projects under this agreement.

  • CARF users shall not interfere with other users' sample or analysis.  Contact the responsible staff member if any booking infringement occurs. 

  • Laboratory computers are not to be modified in any way (e.g., installing software, charging phones, changing settings) or used for any purpose other than what you have been told to use them for.

  • CARF users must report any faults or irregularities to CARF staff immediately.

  • Any damage to CARF equipment that results from misuse or user error may be charged back to user or their laboratory group / organisation.


  • CARF users can use the CARF booking system to book equipment, after they have completed training on that equipment.

  • Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

  • If you are going to be more than 15 minutes late for a booking, please notify the laboratory.

  • If you are not present within 20 minutes of the start of your booking, the booking will be cancelled and the equipment will be made available for others to use.

  • If equipment is booked and not used, and CARF has not been notified or given an explanation the disciplinary procedure detailed above will be initiated.

Data management

  • Samples are the responsibility of the user and should be removed from the laboratory or disposed of as soon as practicable after analysis and results are available to the user.

  • Data remains the user’s property, and the user is responsible for managing and archiving their data. CARF is not responsible for any loss of data.

Acknowledgement and authorship

  • CARF must  be acknowledged in any research output (e.g., publication, presentation, poster) arising from data generated by use of CARF laboratories and equipment. This acknowledgement is appropriate professional courtesy, and enables us to track the impact of CARF infrastructure, which in turn helps to justify continued resourcing for the infrastructure and staff. An appropriate acknowledgement is:

               “ This work was enabled by use of the Central Analytical Research Facility (CARF) at the
                 Queensland University of Technology (QUT).”

  • Where appropriate contributions have been made, CARF staff should be recognised as co-authors (see QUT authorship Policy at  http:// www.mopp.qut.edu.au/D/D_02_06.jsp#D_02_06.08.mdoc).

  • Please notify carf@qut.edu.au of any research outputs that arise from use of CARF.


  • Charges for training and use of CARF infrastructure, if applicable, are agreed between CARF and the User via a quotation for services.

  • Charges for training and reasonable instrument access for the purposes of internal QUT research projects will be fully subsidised.

  • Charges apply to any samples run for the purposes of consulting or external testing work, including testing for other universities or government departments. Please seek a quote from the applicable laboratory coordinator for any external work.

H. Approval Workflows

Thank you. Your form will now be forwarded for approval with workflow steps below: 

  1. Supervisor Approval: Once submitted, this form will be forwarded to your nominated Supervisor or Line Manager via email.  You will receive an email notification if your submission is approved.  If your submission is rejected, it will be returned to you for editing / resubmission. 

  2. CARF Approval:  Upon approval in Step 1, your submission will then be forwarded to CARF for internal processing and approval.  You will receive an email notification if approved.  If any revision is needed, the form will be returned to you for further refinement. 

  3. Kick-Off meeting: Upon CARF approval, you will be notified by a CARF staff to arrange a kick-off meeting along with your supervisor / line manager to discuss your project in more detail.

      Please note that the notification emails will come either from carf@qut.edu.au or Snapforms.  
      Please contact  mailto:carf@qut.edu.au if you have any enquiries.

If you approve this application, please provide and confirm QUT account code for this project if applicable.
If these are incomplete, please ensure the client will complete the requirements before starting work in CARF

Meeting info - to be filled in during kick-off meeting: